Christine Fairchild is “A Logger’s daughter”.. Christine was born and raised in Grand Marais, Minnesota in a family of 7 kids, where she was taught that the Secret to Success is simply “Honesty” & “Hard Work”.
Christine then moved to Duluth in 1986 and her 1st employer here was a beautiful young lady who had been in a skydiving accident- Christine was a Home Health care provider for she and her son. When that job ended, Christine took a position as a phlebotomist at St Mary’s Hospital. During this time she met her husband and got married-gained his 2 children, and then they had 2 children. Christine went back to school when their kids were little, while working, and in 1991 and became a Surgical Technician.
Always striving to be happy and more successful, In 1996 she became a Realtor. While both careers were very different, they had many things in common for her; Confidentiality, Attention to Detail, Hard Work and the longer she performed the job the better she got, so up until a few years ago, Christine worked part-time casual as a Surg Tech while selling Real Estate Full Time. As she getting older, she now just sell Real Estate full time (20+ yrs experience).
Christine have been married 30 years, have 4 adult children plus 9 Grandchildren.
HOMEiA has listed Christine Fairchild as one of the best real estate agent in Duluth, MN. Contact Christine today for a great buying or selling experience!
25 July 2018