HOMEiA’s Real Estate Professional Membership

2. I’m a new real estate agent. Do I even get a chance to be on your recommended list?

Yes, you can as long as your passion is to provide excellent customer service and you have a good system to deliver good results for your clients. A good way is to team up with another experienced agent or group. You can showcase your abilities there and build your network with your profile on HOMEiA.

3. How much does it cost to be a HOMEiA-certified member?

Nothing. It’s Free to become a HOMEiA-certified member. As you’re probably already aware, there aren’t many professional real estate websites that allow you to have a Free dedicated profile.

5. Do I have to pay HOMEiA for the leads you send to me?

A. No. You have an option to agree to receive leads or not. If you select “YES,” our motto is “We earn when you earn.” That means you don’t have to front any money in advance. Note: HOMEiA Real Estate, LLC is our affiliate that handles all HOMEiA leads and referrals. Your referral agreement would be with HOMEiA Real Estate, LLC. Meanwhile, our HOMEiA team will be there to survey our consumers (your leads) for feedback on your services.

7. How do you find, select and rank real estate professionals in your local city listings?

HOMEiA’s team conducts thorough research on each of our real estate professionals to determine which have proven records of providing excellent care to their clients and will most likely continue to be a great agent. The research is completed before we invite that agent to our join HOMEiA as a member. The screening process involves an online application and an individual interview.

Once understood that the real estate professional’s values align well with ours at HOMEiA, we approve the real estate professional as one of our HOMEiA-certified members. Once a certified member, each member’s performance is measured by their contribution to help educate the public, by their feedback and reviews of their services, and so forth. HOMEiA will continue to recommend new clients to members as long as they maintain a level of at least 4 out of 5 stars on customer reviews.

8. How can I gain the most exposure on HOMEiA.com for my HOMEiA profile page?

You might want to sign up for the Educator guest post option to make yourself stand out.

9. Since my HOMEiA profile page is offered to me for FREE, will you place any banner ads of my competition on my HOMEiA’s profile page?

No. HOMEiA will never place any banner ads on your dedicated Profile page for services that compete directly with yours.

10. Can I easily edit or remove my HOMEiA profile on my own?

Yes. You can easily edit your own profile, track your article performance and submit a written request if you wish to remove your profile from HOMEiA.com.

HOMEiA’s Services for Buyers, Sellers and Investors

1. Does it cost me anything to have HOMEiA match me with best local agents?

No. It’s a 100% free service that HOMEiA provides to consumers. We research and recommend real estate professionals for your benefit. All we ask is that you share your service experience with us to help us rank them more accurately.

2. How does HOMEiA handle my personal information once I submit a request?

Your personal contact information is kept confidential. You will receive HOMEiA’s recommended agents and their profile. We leave it up to you to initiate the conversation whether it’s via phone or email. The only information HOMEiA’s real estate professional receive is a ticket number and your first name on it. The only way our real estate professionals know more is when you reach out to conduct your interview with him or her.

3. If I decide to work with one of HOMEiA’s recommended professionals, with whom am I under contract?

Once you enter into a representation agreement with one of HOMEiA’s real estate professionals, you are under contract with that individual’s brokerage. However, HOMEiA wants to make sure our professionals follow through and provide top-notch care and services. If for any reason you feel you are not getting that type of care or services, please do let us know. HOMEiA retains the right to recommend another professional to you who will fulfill their fiduciary duties.

4. How does HOMEiA select, rank and recommend its real estate professionals?

HOMEiA’s team conducts thorough research on each of our real estate professionals to determine which have proven records of providing excellent care to their clients and will most likely continue to be a great agent before we invite that agent to our join HOMEiA as a member. The screening process involves an online application and an individual interview. Once understood that the real estate professional’s values align well with ours at HOMEiA, we will induct the real estate professional as one of our HOMEiA-certified members.

Once a certified member, each member’s performance is measured by their contribution to help educate the public, by your feedback and reviews of their services, and so forth. Every HOMEiA-certified member needs to maintain a level of at least 4 out of 5 stars on customer reviews in order for HOMEiA to continue recommending new clients to them.

5. What if I am not happy with the real estate professional I’ve selected?

As we’ve briefly mentioned above, HOMEiA reserves the right to recommend another professional who can better accommodate your needs. HOMEiA believes all its certified members will uphold their end of their fiduciary duties. If for any reason you’ve discussed your issues with the professional you’re working with and they do not resolve the matter, you deserve to have someone else who has your best interests in mind.

Content Guest Post on HOMEiA.com

5. How do I gain more exposure on HOMEiA.com as a copywriter?

You can sign up for the Educator Plus option and be a member of our Content Educator Program.

6. How do I gain more exposure in front of HOMEiA-certified real estate professionals as a copywriter?

You can sign up for the Educator Plus option and become a member of our Content Educator Program while guest posting content on the topics that will attract the attention of our consumer. These are people that real estate agents want to connect with as their target audience.

7. Do you pay me to write guest post article for your website?

A. No, we don’t pay you for guest posting on HOMEiA.com.

8. Do I have to provide images/graphics to go along with my submitted article?

A. No, we will provide the images/graphics if we choose to post your article.

9. Can I pay you to post my article on HOMEiA.com with a do-follow backlink to a site of my choice?

A. No, we don’t pay you to guest post on HOMEiA.com nor do we sell backlinks.

10. Would you post and share the content I have already published on my website onto HOMEiA.com for me?

No, we only publish unique guest post content that have not yet posted anywhere else. The posts must be unique to HOMEiA.com.