4 indoor Gardening Tips During Quarantine
- Author:by Bilal Sajjad
- Category: Home Improvement

Gardening is a relaxing activity for many, and it has become a growing trend during the COVID-19 pandemic. Collecting plants or raising a vegetable garden provides you with a sense of purpose and makes you feel empowered since you’re caring for another living thing.
It can give you a certain degree of control during these uncertain times and break the cycle of negative thoughts while in isolation.
Here are 4 tips that will help you ensure that your green babies will flourish indoors.
1. Decide what you want to grow.
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Plants are like children; they have different needs, and the parenting they require varies.
Before you jump on the plant bandwagon, identify what you want to grow. Consider your lifestyle and living space.
Do you plan to grow vegetables? You can start a vegetable garden with your kids using vegetable scraps or a seed-starter kit.
Consider growing microgreens like lettuces, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, radish, chicory, and spinach, since they are easy to grow and packed with nutrients.Herbs such as oregano, mint, basil, and parsley also do well indoors.
If you decide to grow houseplants, go for low-maintenance ones, such as snake plants, cactus, peace lily, pothos, lavender, aloe, spider plant, and succulents.
Or opt for air-purifying plants, such as Barberton daisy, Chinese evergreen, spider plants, English ivy, aloe vera, and chrysanthemum. These plants are capable of removing naturally occurring airborne dust, thereby improving indoor air quality.
One popular trend in the plant community is growing terrarium plants. It is a great indoor gardening alternative, especially for those living in small houses. Terrarium plants are space-saving and relatively easy to take care of.
You can create a terrarium using basic containers such as small jars, glass containers, or goldfish bowls. Slow-growing and miniature plants such as carnivorous plants, ferns, succulents, tropical plants, cacti, peperomia, and dwarf palms work best in terrariums.
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2. Choose the perfect area where they will thrive.
Your choice of plants must also depend on your space. Are you living in a townhouse, apartment, or condominium? Do you have a big kitchen, a large living room, a sunny windowsill, a wide wood deck or porch, or a small balcony?
Some plants need continuous sunlight, while others can survive even in dark and confined areas. Succulents should be in a place where they don’t have to fight for sunlight. Make sure to research the sun requirements of your plants.
Low-light plants such as cast iron plants, spider plants, arrowhead plants, and peace lilies are ideal for keeping inside your bathroom.
Consider using grow lights as an alternative light source. The most popular ones are LED, CMH, DE, Metal Halide, and HPS.
If you have limited space, be creative and make use of your vertical spaces. Go for indoor hanging plants such as ferns, hanging tendrils, heartleaf philodendron, or spider plants.
If you plan to take care of air plants, make sure that they are not under direct sunlight. These plants can thrive without soil, but they require an adequate amount of water and filtered light.
You can hang air plants anywhere inside your home; just remember to immerse them in room-temperature water once every one or two weeks for five to 10 minutes.
If you have a large living room with a sufficient amount of light, consider turning it into a luxuriant green paradise with big plants and indoor trees.
Your best options for plants and trees include dragon tree, bird of paradise, fishtail palm, European olive, Norfolk Island pine, umbrella tree, natal mahogany, African candelabra, fiddle leaf fig, and Rhapis palm.
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3. Invest in high-quality plant technology.
If you have the financial means, consider investing in innovations that will improve your plants’ welfare. There are several plant technology products that are now available on the market, such as air purifiers, hydroponics, plant monitors, humidifiers, soil monitors, self-watering pots, light monitors, and watering apparatuses.
Of these innovations, humidifiers in particular have gained popularity with plant enthusiasts. Plant humidifiers conserve the moisture of the plant by adding extra humidity into the air. This is extremely useful during the winter months when the air in our homes becomes dry.
You can also utilize apps for plant lovers, such as Leafsnap, Gardenate, Garden Guide, FlowerPedia, Flora Finder, Waterbot, Lux Light Meter, Landscaper’s Companion, Botany Buddy, and PlantSnap.
These smart technologies will help you care for your plants even if you do not have a green thumb. However, before purchasing these clever tools, do your research and make sure that the product you are planning to buy is suitable for your plant needs and preferences.
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4. Practice proper plant care and maintenance.
As a plant parent, you need to be responsible and accountable for your plants’ lives. You should know how to properly take care of your plant babies. Make sure that you stay up to date with the latest trends in indoor gardening.
Too much information can also be detrimental, so make sure that the content you are consuming is written by reliable and experienced plant experts.
If you already have house plants, check whether they need repotting. Trim their foliage, dust their leaves, and replace their containers if required. Do not pull them out, as it will ruin their roots, reducing their ability to absorb nutrients.
Check your pots to make sure that there is proper drainage to avoid suffocating your roots. Use plant saucers to catch excess drained water.
Research your plants’ natural habitats and, if possible, replicate them. Avoid over- and underwatering your plants, and look out for water stress symptoms such as yellow leaves, wilting, stunted growth, and dropping leaves.
Some plants attract pests, such as cockroaches and other bugs, so make sure to keep your home free from these destructive nuisances by calling a reliable vendor that offers pest control services.
The presence of nature inside our homes offers a lot of benefits. From providing emotional support and reducing stress and anxiety to enhancing our food lifestyle and improving indoor air quality, gardening is a cost-effective and sustainable way to care for ourselves during quarantine.
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