The Benefits HOMEiA Provides to Real Estate Professionals
- Author:by Phong Nguyen
- Category: Marketing , Real Estate Investing

With more and more real estate professionals entering this industry every day, what should you do to ensure that your online presence stands out? If you are passionate about what you do and have good solutions that provide great customer service, here are valuable benefits HOMEiA provides to increase your chance of winning more clients for years to come. Let’s explore them.
1. You get a dedicated profile page on which allows you to highlight your specialties, biography, website, client testimonials, YouTube videos, and contact information. Better yet, our marketing team will also optimize your dedicated profile page with relevant keywords for your area that will help your page rank better locally.
2. Once you become a HOMEiA-certified member, we place you on one of HOMEiA’s lists of best agents in your local area. Our digital marketing team is promoting these listing pages constantly to get them ranked among the top 3 on search engines like and The pages are ranking well for sets of keywords that your local customers are using to search for your services.
3. If you want to attract even more ideal visitors (potential clients) to your profile page, you can produce helpful content to educate people who have interest in what you have to share. Over time, you will establish yourself as an expert in your field. At the same time, the ranking of your profile page will continue to increase with search engines because the HOMEiA team is constantly promoting real estate content (including yours) online.
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4. If you don’t know what to write to attract your target audience, subscribe to our weekly email list. Every Tuesday, we email out a list of content produced by others in your field that are performing well online. That way, you know in advance which content is already attracting a solid following.
Then you can think of different angles to write your articles on similar topics which will further benefit those in your audience. With this approach, your content will have a higher chance of success right out of the gate.
5. Each of your articles posted on will have your author’s bio at the bottom, which link to your dedicated profile where potential clients can contact you easily. Also, below your author’s bio on each content piece as well as on your profile page, we display archives of your content. This increases your credibility as a professional sharing helpful content. Here is an example:
Once you reach 5 educational articles or more, we will award you an “Educator” badge of honor that will appear on your profile page, byline section and professional listing pages. Additional badges will build even more credibility for you on HOMEiA’s member listings.
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6. On each article, you can see how many visitors have viewed your articles. That will give you an idea of which articles are performing well so you can produce more of them to reel in more readers and followers. Over time, these articles along with your HOMEiA profile page will be your personal online asset. It will remain yours, promoting your individual professional brand no matter where you are employed.
7. When you produce insightful content that adds value and answers questions from our audience, we will create links to your content from our existing and future content where we see fit. Therefore, the more helpful and insightful your content is, the better it will attract backlinks from other content on as well as on the web for years to come.
In short, the quality of your articles will serve you much better than the quantity, especially on the website.
8. Each article successfully posted on will earn you points that, as they accumulate, will help your profile rank higher on your local listing page (mentioned in #2). With each of your HOMEiA- approved articles, you can earn from 20 to 30 points depending on the quality of each article. Once you login to your profile on, there is a ledger that keeps track of your earned points.
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In summary, HOMEiA is here to research, select and support the best professionals (like you) for the benefit of consumers. We are also here to guide you on how to produce great content that will attract your potential clients on and the web.
As an added bonus, our digital marketing experts help you promote your content online for FREE! Better yet, we constantly market our many local listing pages of the best professionals, so they rank on Google’s page one! As one of our certified members, you could be featured on at least one of our local listing pages according to your service location.
From there you can earn more points to push your ranking higher on the listing page that displays your profile. Again, here are ways you can earn yourself more points on
If you are serious about establishing a great online profile for yourself as an individual professional, is THE place. We constantly promote real estate related content to gain HOMEiA-certified members on-going exposure for years to come. If your passion is real estate and your mission is to continue providing a great customer experience, you can apply here!
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